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Areas of law


I practice in these areas of law

Data protection

Let's discuss exactly how you use, store, protect and delete the data you collect, the Data Protection Act (DPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Find out about my Data Protection Offer.


Shares and dividends, certificates, shareholder agreements, sale and purchase agreements. 


Drafting a contract from scratch to cover your exact needs, interpreting questions about a contract you have, negotiating or renegotiating a new contract with a third party.


Policy documents

What are they exactly, and which ones might your business need to help manage your operations, and your relations with your customers and staff (Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Discrimination, Equality, Discipline, Internet and Online Use, Privacy, Data Protection).


Discuss the legal differences between employment and self-employment / contractors / consultants, and what documentation each category needs.

Europe and Brexit  

Is there anything you can do to prepare for the unknown?


Making sense of the most impenetrable application forms, to get the result you need.

Business structuring

Which legal structure suits your needs now, and in your future.

Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney (Property and Finances), specific circumstance powers of attorney, and discussing how to organise your personal affairs as the owner of a business. 


How to avoid it, or what to do when you find yourself in a dispute with a customer or business party.

Intellectual property 

How to protect and defend your ideas and your work.

Funding and Finance

Reviews and questions about bank accounts, loans, rescheduling repayments, debt, alternative funding options, investments.

I do not advise on these areas of law: immigration, family, divorce, property conveyancing (commercial or residential), tax, criminal… but I can often refer you to someone who does. 


Examples of my work

A small charity preparing for a mighty future

Winter 2017-2018

What started as a small community dream 14 years ago has flourished. Now, in preparation for greater expansion and deeper connection into a wider community project, the charity's teamleader needed help updating, personalising and making sense of her existing policy documents, and thereby clarifying her approach to employees, volunteers and self-employed contractors,  and finding the charity's voice and confidence when working with their own team and outside parties. 

A bright new start-up with the occasional legal question

summer/autumn 2017

The early days of any new business can be fraught with worry and doubt. This entrepreneur had the guts to follow his dream, but every now and then a legal question would halt the creative process. Having a compassionate & understanding lawyer on retainer meant those questions got answered and the start-up could blossom. 

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A bespoke contract for a creative entrepreneur

Spring 2017

This experienced business developer needed a contract for services that fitted his needs like a glove - no off-the-peg template he could buy online gave him the confidence he needed to protect himself and his business when hiring contractors to work under his brand.

Advice to a director of an entertainments company

Summer 2016

Having operated the company for a while, this director found himself querying his legal duties towards his fellow directors and shareholders. Sometimes the law is very exacting, and the law surrounding director duties is particularly rigid.


How I can help make your business feel stronger

If you have A nagging feeling your business isn’t as secure as it could be (its data, its ideas, its future)...

...You probably haven't got the right documents, policies or registrations.

There is a mountain of legislation, policy documents, guidance, memos and notes written for businesses in the UK. Some business owners assume that they can get by with a business plan written on the back of an envelope, and others feel they need their business to comply with every piece of policy they hear about – often spending days researching something without the insight that it isn’t actually relevant to their business at all. Both of these approaches are valid, but neither is tailored to an actual, living, breathing, evolving business. Not all legislation is relevant to every business, but equally, there are certain rules and regulations that must be followed. So I often hear from clients that they have all their documents in place but still feel they’re missing out on the key piece of the jigsaw (a registration, record, contract or policy) that allows them to be sure that their business is operating legally and securely. I can help - after a discussion about your business, I’ll be able to piece together any missing links and help you get that peace of mind. It may be just the reassurance you need to take your business to the next level.

If there is a perfectionist in you that desperately wants to get to the bottom of every aspect of your business (products, policies, contracts)...

...THat's great, but You might find it an exhausting task to unpick exactly what documents you have or why you need them.

I understand this! I spend my life dealing in the detail. But if your passion is running a business rather than dealing with the letter of the law, you might find chatting to someone knowledgeable about the legal bits and pieces you’ve put together, and why they’re so important, will give you the insight you’re missing. We can then fill in any missing gaps, or tailor what you have to better reflect your business.

If you're asking Who can you trust with your confidential business worries...

...You can Trust me.  

I understand this one too! My legal knowledge grows with my clients and experience, but it initially felt painful to admit that I might not have all the answers. I believe that no one is a finished product, and no business is without its trials and tribulations. It’s my job to advise on the law, but it’s my passion to help my clients find clarity and confidence in their business. Trust me, you can tell me your concerns about your business and we can work on it together, in complete confidentiality.

If you Feel too broke to pay for the advice you know you need to progress...

...I respect your Financial prudence.

My clients come from all different backgrounds and their businesses are of varying profitability. I enjoy the process of building a business relationship, and have high expectations for my clients’ businesses. If you are feeling this way, let’s talk – there will usually be a way we can work together in a way that your business can afford.

If you have A great idea that you can’t seem to bring into reality...

...I admire your Inspiration.

I love to brainstorm! Working with business owners and new ideas is a passion. I’d love to see if I could help get you unstuck.

If you're facing an early hiccup in operations, personnel or planning...

...Perhaps I can help.

Sorting this kind of problem out early on will set you up for success later on. Not all problems, disagreements or conflicts need to be dealt with by filing papers and threatening legal action. There may be an easy way to fix this, or perhaps it puts a spanner in your business model  - you might not be sure until you’ve sought legal advice.

If you Feel too broke to pay for the advice you know you need to progress...

...I respect your financial prudence.

My clients come from all different backgrounds and their businesses are of varying profitability. I enjoy the process of building a business relationship, and have high expectations for my clients’ businesses. If you are feeling this way, let’s talk – there will usually be a way we can work together in a way that your business can afford.